Wednesday, January 23, 2019

How To Reduce Your Consumption of Plastic

There are many ways you can reduce your consumption of plastic. Here are a few simple steps you can take today:
– Say no to straws – instead, purchase a reusable stainless steel or glass straw and carry it around with you.
– Instead of plastic wrap, opt for beeswax wrap alternatives like those at Sweet Bee Wraps.
– Invest in reusable produce bags like these ones.– Buy boxes instead of plastic bottles (for instance, like laundry detergent, etc.).
– Buy from bulk bins (and bring your reusable glass jars!).
– Reuse glass containers.
– Stop buying bottled water, and invest in a counter-top water filtration device like the Berkey.
– Bring your own container if you’re going out to eat somewhere.
– Don’t buy convenience foods packaged in plastic.
– Clean with baking soda and vinegar instead of cleaners packaged in plastic.
– Don’t use plasticware.
– Use stainless steel sippy cups for kids.
– Don’t get to-go coffee or hot drinks. Your drink lid and cup will live on for over 100 years! The lids and lining are plastic. Bring your own or ask for a ceramic, reusable cup.
– Use cloth diapers instead of plastic ones.
– Use bar soap to wash your dishes. Dr. Bronner’s is perfect.
– Buy bar soap, not liquid body wash.
– Buy toilet paper that is wrapped in paper, not plastic.
– Don’t use plastic cutting boards. Use wood or glass.
– Give up gum, gum is made of a synthetic rubber, aka. plastic.
– Use matches instead of disposable plastic lighters.
– Invest in reusable bags to bring your groceries home.
– Use a razor with replaceable blades instead of a disposable razor.
– Use cloth based toys for your pets, like catnip mice and soft squishy balls.
– Use junk mail and other paper to stuff into big packages to ship instead of bubble wrap or air filled plastic.
– Make a compost heap to reduce your food waste and put it back into the earth.
Also, if you live next to a beach, go take a trip and pick up the trash! We need to help out our oceans a little bit better – and it all starts with a little bit of effort on our part.

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