Monday, April 28, 2008

Can you see it?

Can you see it?, originally uploaded by Hina :-).

I bet you can't.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Brothers in court over father's murder

Brothers in court over father's murder
18:47 AEST Fri Apr 25 2008 1 hour 42 minutes ago

A 17-year-old boy shot his father dead on a remote NSW property and fled with his older brother, it was alleged.

The body of the 47-year-old man was found about 9.15am (AEST) yesterday on a farm on Lowes Peak Road at St Fillans, about 15km north of Mudgee in central western NSW.

Facts tendered to Parramatta Children's Court today alleged the man was fatally shot some time between 10pm and 10.30pm on Wednesday.

Police allege the man's 17-year-old son shot him before remaining for the night at the property, along with his 19-year-old brother.

The next day, one of the boys called their Victoria-based mother, who then called NSW Police.

The teenagers left the property before officers arrived.

They drove more than 230km before they allegedly turned themselves in at Castle Hill police station, in Sydney's north-west, just before 1pm yesterday.

The brothers, who cannot be named for legal reasons, did not apply for bail when their cases were heard in separate courts at Parramatta in Sydney.

The 17-year-old, who is facing one charge of murder, was remanded to appear via a video link in the Parramatta Children's Court on April 28.

His 19-year-old brother is charged with being an accessary after the fact to murder.

He was remanded to appear in Parramatta Local Court via video link on May 1.

Wo..... waiting for the coming news...

Monday, April 21, 2008

Last night...




Thursday, April 17, 2008

... ... ... ...

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Osaka Blues

Osaka Blues (Resized)
Originally uploaded by Tetsuya Blues
Don't you love it?

Harmoniously elegant.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Please... please...


Can you please have lunch?



Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Do not speak, please.

Do not speak, please., originally uploaded by Hina :-).

Because I'm not rude.
Think again!

Tuesday, April 08, 2008



While I'm alone and blue as can be...

Dream a little dream of me...


Monday, April 07, 2008



Went to Moonjuklei after the exhausting and fat journey.

Poor feet, ouch!

But feels quite ok, and resting is so good.

Met Mr.Ho from MingPao Weekly...

He sounds exactly like him... that's what attracted my attention.

Then went back lo...


Thursday, April 03, 2008



I want to dieeeeee!!!!!!
Right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Go have lunch you shitheads!!!!!
Stop it!!!!!!!!!!!!


Wednesday, April 02, 2008


18歲青年當F3車手 德國車隊發掘 方駿宇為F1路奮鬥
(明報) 04月 01日 星期二 05:05AM

【明報專訊】香港寸金尺土,連大型賽車場也沒有,卻出了一位年僅18歲的三級方程式賽車手方駿宇。剛剛拿到成人身分證的他,出道不足3年已被德國 車隊發掘,成為本港最年輕參與三級方程式(F3)




年紀輕輕 沉穩冷靜

直至15歲那年,他參加了珠海一個為期兩日的賽車課程,當時一同參加的都是醫生、律師,但他卻因為早已對賽車結構了然於胸,而獲安排跳級駕駛馬力 較大的Renault(雷諾 )。「那時感覺車速很快,亦從未試過如此專心,當時覺得自己快應付不了,但卻喜歡上那種速度感。」從此,他登上了賽車舞台,在06年亞洲v6方程式錦標賽中初試啼聲,奪得季軍;更曾在賽道上與本地車手明星李英健較勁爭位而發生意外(李英健也曾是香港年輕車手,但一直在三級方程式出賽)。

每個車手都有自己的風格,18歲的方駿宇坦言已找到自己的風格﹕「我的風格是較遲入彎。」他更感嘆﹕「香港政府不當賽車是運動,覺得好可惜。」他們曾去信康文署 要求政府資助,政府卻表示即使是運動員,每人亦只會資助2萬元。



明報記者 鄔詠恩、 徐嘉嘉

Yeeee, I like him wor....